Insurance 24

Independent Insurance Agency

Dwelling Fire Insurance in New Hampshire

Also providing dwelling fire insurance to residents in Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, & Vermont.

Dwelling Fire Insurance in New Hampshire

Also providing dwelling fire insurance to residents in Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, & Vermont.

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What is dwelling fire insurance?


Structural fire is one of the most common and most basic risks that properties need protection against, and they’re something that almost every property owner in New Hampshire should consider. Dwelling fire insurance may help protect against loss due to structural fire, especially if coverage isn’t otherwise obtained.

Dwelling fire insurance is a specialized property insurance that generally covers building fires. While this is a specific and narrow protection, it can be an awfully important one if there’s a fire.

Who in New Hampshire should have dwelling fire coverage?


Developed properties in New Hampshire generally should be insured against fire. Coverage is sometimes obtained through a dwelling fire policy if there’s no other building coverage in place.

When there’s another policy that provides structural building coverage, dwelling fire coverage may not be needed. Most policies that insure buildings include coverage against fire.

Dwelling Fire insurance new hampshire

What types of fires does dwelling fire coverage protect against?


Dwelling fire coverage usually protects against a range of structural fires that cause partial or total loss. Depending on a policy’s specific terms, it may cover fires resulting from:

  • Cooking oil 
  • Space heater 
  • Electrical shorts
  • Candles
  • Smoking
  • Holiday lights
  • Grills

An insurance agent specializing in dwelling fire coverage can check exactly what a particular policy protects against.

Dwelling Fire insurance new hampshire

Are wildfires covered by a dwelling fire policy?


Wildfires are a notable exception in many dwelling fire policies. Most of these policies don’t cover wildfires that reach a house, because this is such a different risk than a cooking fire or electrical short.

Wildfires might have historically not been a major risk in New Hampshire, but it’s something homeowners ought to consider. The Northeast U.S. and Southeast Canada have seen a few wildfires recently, and anyone camping in the White Mountains could cause a wildfire that spreads quickly. 

If coverage for wildfires is wanted, it might be available through a wildfire-specific policy.

Is a dwelling fire policy different from homeowners insurance?


Yes, a dwelling fire policy is distinct from what’s considered standard homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance normally includes protection against structural fire, so dwelling fire coverage often isn’t needed when a homeowners policy is in place.

In select situations, the fire protection afforded by a homeowners policy might not be enough. If the cost of rebuilding a house is more than a homeowner policy’s dwelling limit, additional dwelling fire coverage could fill in the gap.

Dwelling Fire insurance new hampshire

Do commercial property insurance policies include protection against structural fire?


Protection against structural fires is included in most commercial property policies that are purchased for a building. Policies that only provide commercial property coverage, business owners policies, and commercial package policies normally all can protect against structural fire.

Again, these commercial policies might not provide enough coverage in select situations. If they don’t give enough protection, dwelling fire coverage might be used to supplement protection.

How much does dwelling fire coverage cost?


The premiums charged for dwelling fire coverage vary quite a lot. A building’s size, value, construction and age are just a few of the details that can affect how much coverage will be. 

Property owners can find out how much insuring a particular property against fire will cost by comparing quotes with an independent insurance agent. Independent agents are able to check quotes from several insurers, making it easy to see how much different companies will charge for coverage.


How can property owners get dwelling fire insurance?


If you own a property in New Hampshire that needs coverage specifically for fire, contact the independent insurance agents of Insurance24. Our agents can help you confirm whether dwelling fire insurance is the right choice for your property, and find a policy assuming it is the best option.

Get a free quote today!